Sun, Feb 21
Gulfood 2021 is an international food exhibition
Nuts for desert. Gulfood 2021 is an international food exhibition.
Час та місце проведення:
Feb 21, 2021, 7:00 PM – Feb 25, 2021, 11:00 PM
Dubai, Dubai - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Про захід:
GULFOOD Exhibition (UAE, Dubai) is one of the world's most influential annual food, beverage and culinary exhibitions, with an unprecedented number of visitors, exhibitors and business transactions held during the four days of the exhibition.
GULFOOD is an important international platform, the global status of which is beyond doubt, because more than 5,000 companies from 120 countries and more than 97,000 visitors from 185 countries of the world participate in it. For this purpose, the exposition area of the Dubai World Trade Center (DWTC) has been increased to 127,000 square meters. m
The Gulfood exhibition is especially popular among visitors from the countries of the Persian Gulf region and the Middle East, since more than 95% of food products in the Gulf countries are imported, which, along with significant volumes of re-exports to the UAE, which are estimated at 15.8 billion US dollars, makes the Gulfood exhibition an important event
The countries of the Gulf or the countries of the GCC region (Gulf Cooperation Council) are one of the most promising markets in the world, according to the latest analytical studies of international marketing organizations. Now the gulf countries include 6 countries - Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain. Jordan and Morocco have also been invited to participate, and Yemen is conducting negotiations to join the GCC countries.
Large financial resources invested in various areas of the economy are concentrated here. The region's GDP reaches $1,462 billion. The total area of the countries: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain is quite large - 2572.7 thousand square meters. km
In addition, the demographic situation here is changing extremely dynamically. According to the International Monetary Fund, the population in the countries of the GCC region will increase by 2.4% in 2021 and will number about 60.0 million people.
This region is considered one of the most promising in the context of the expansion of sales markets for the "Made in Ukraine" product. It is interesting that the GCC countries are 95% dependent on imports, and only 5% is domestic production: dates and processed products.
Similarly, cereals are imported, packed in local packaging and further sold as a product of own production. This region is popular with American and European manufacturers, who have long had their sales offices there. About $25 billion in annual imports - can we ignore such a market?
In addition, a number of countries in the Middle East are among the most affluent in the world with a high level of consumer income, and these are stable customers who are ready to pay a high price for QUALITY products - exactly what the domestic market of Ukraine lacks and which restrains the production of products with high added value in Ukraine.
If we talk about purchasing power, it is about $30,000 of GDP per capita. For example, in the poorest country - Oman - $15,000.
In addition, Dubai is the main trade gateway for markets in Asia, North and South Africa, India, and a number of other countries. The market covers more than 50 countries, 2 billion consumers.
Nuts and other nuts were one of the traditional occupations of the population of these countries.
FOR THE FIRST TIME, the Ukrainian Walnut Association made its debut at the Gulfood-2020 exhibition with its exhibition stand. One of the central places of the collective Ukrainian stand, organized by the ITC project in Ukraine, was given to the stand of the Walnut Association.
For the third year in a row, the NGO "Ukrainian Nut Association", as the industry association of the country, cooperates with the project "Promoting the exit of small and medium-sized enterprises of the fruit and vegetable sector to foreign markets", which is implemented by the International Trade Center (ITS) in Ukraine, aimed at improving the positioning and increasing the effectiveness of the promotion of Ukrainian walnut on world markets.
Thanks to the development of cooperation with the Project, the Walnut Association once again got the opportunity to have its own stand at the collective Ukrainian stand organized by the ITC project in Ukraine at the International Exhibition GULFOOD-2021, which will be held on February 21, 2021 - February 25, 2021 in Dubai (UAE).
But at the Gulfood-2021 exhibition, the participants of the collective Ukrainian stand will have better opportunities to participate than last year, due to the fact that the Ukrainian stand this time is located in one of the central pavilions of the exhibition - TRADE CENTER ARENA.
But that's not all. The collective Ukrainian stand, organized by the ITC project in Ukraine at the Gulfood-2021 exhibition, has 10 exhibition stands, branded exhibition stands, located on the total territory of the collective exhibition area of 48 square meters.
And here I really want to say kind words to the ITC project team, who, understanding the importance of creating a new international image for the nut industry of Ukraine, gave away almost a third of the collective stand free of charge - THREE out of ten exhibition stands for the NUT INDUSTRY OF UKRAINE.
HUGE THANKS to you - specialists of the ITS project in Ukraine under the leadership of Olena Kolomoitseva!!!
But what is it for?
So far, few people perceive Ukraine on the world market as a country that can occupy high ranks in the niche of growing and exporting high-quality varietal nut This picture in the industry is explained by the rather low quality of Ukrainian walnut, more than 95% of which is collected in home yards and forest strips and hastily, without high-quality finishing of exported ones.
In addition, for successful positioning in foreign markets, it is necessary to understand that exports are not one-time sales abroad, which today are massively carried out by one-day firms ("gray" exports), and then disappear without a trace in order not to pay taxes and leave money offshore . Export is a permanent system sales channel that requires stability. All these components (and unregulated legislation should be added to this) maximally reduce the price of Ukrainian walnut to the level of CHEAP RAW MATERIALS.
The modern walnut industry needs REBRANDING - a comprehensive, strategic change of the existing outdated BRAND of Ukrainian walnut on world markets.
Today, industrial nut orchards with varietal quality nuts are already growing. How to make a significant breakthrough in the export of industrial batches, when the brand of Ukrainian walnut abroad, formed over the years, is "below the plinth"? And here the main message of experts in the fruit and berry industry is absolutely correct - COMBINATION of gardens with quality products to create SYSTEMATIC, not situational export. And we must solve this task ourselves at home, inside Ukraine. However, even if we have united in the creation of varietal batches and "you will not be full" with this alone, we need customers for high-quality nuts, we need export.
And for this, it is necessary to present the nut industry at the global level as a well-established industrial business, which has an infrastructure capable of providing systematic export supplies of high-quality nuts - it has its own industrial orchards with varietal nuts, high-tech processing in technically equipped processing enterprises, "white" exporters from sufficient experience. It is necessary to show the advantages of the system nut business and the quality of the variety nuts collected in industrial orchards to potential international partners (by the way, the great actress Faina Ranevska claimed that modesty is beautiful only when there is nothing else to adorn oneself with).
But we aim to show the world community at the Gulfood-2021 exhibition not only varietal walnut. This is not enough.
Commercial hazelnut orchards are growing and beginning to bear fruit in Ukraine, which Ukraine has practically never exported, the quality of which is guaranteed by its cultivation in orchards. Therefore, we have another important task for the exhibition - the formation of a BRAND OF QUALITY HAZELNUTS from industrial gardens!!!
That is why the official delegation of the Ukrainian Nut Association was formed from 12 representatives of the entire infrastructural industrial link of the nut industry of Ukraine. The delegation includes managers of industrial nut and hazelnut orchards, processing enterprises, experienced exporters (but I will introduce you to each member of the Nut delegation in the following information).
In addition to the representative delegation, we prepared for the first time for the world nut community the NUT CATALOG OF UKRAINE.
On the 48 pages of the English-language catalog, FOR THE FIRST TIME at the world level, the existence of a developed industrial nut industry of Ukraine, which can export walnuts and hazelnuts collected in industrial orchards, processed to the required quality on high-tech equipment, and formed into export batches for the most demanding international buyers, will be shown.
48 pages, both in paper and digital, electronic versions with their own QR codes and addresses, are divided into three sections:
1. Industrial orchards of walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds
2. Processing enterprises and experienced exporters
3. Manufacturers of industrial processing equipment
In addition, a video film "Walnut business card of Ukraine" and many other accessories were prepared in order to PROPERLY SHOW THE POSSIBILITIES OF THE WALNUT INDUSTRY OF UKRAINE.
The purpose of my first information is to tell you about the plans of the Ukrainian Nut Association to participate in the huge world exhibition - GULFOOD-2021, which will be held from February 21 to 25 in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. Further, in the following messages, we will inform you in more detail about the preparation and participation in the exhibition GULFOOD-2021...
Instead of EPILOGUE: 50 years ago, in December 1971, six wise Emirs (a seventh joined them during the following year), got together and decided to create an OASIS in their desert country, criss-crossed by camel tracks.
If you open the all-knowing Wikipedia: an oasis is an area in the middle of a sluggish, practically lifeless environment, on which there is LIFE.
But the six wise emirs, having lived all their lives in the desert, were not fools at all, realizing that they would not be able to change the hot climate of the desert. Therefore, when creating the country, they set for themselves the main goal - to make the COUNTRY an OASIS for a comfortable human LIFE.
This is how the UAE appeared on the world map. And today, looking at the dizzying skyscrapers, the latest technologies, it is already possible to say with confidence - the inhabitants of the desert managed to create an OASIS for LIFE for themselves, for their families and former residents desert country
Today, you and I plant and grow WALNUTS, HAZELNUTS, ALMONDS, which have almost the best taste of all nuts in the world, because they are grown on the best soils. The standard of Ukrainian chernozem is located in Paris, as a reference sample for all soils in the world.
Today, we grow our nut orchards with thoughts about well-being from the realization of the nut harvest. Can we TOGETHER create a NUT OASIS, uniting to create a decent price for our Ukrainian nut, our labor...
President of the NGO "Ukrainian Walnut Association" H. Yudin